YOKE THE SALON has made it through WITH 3 TEAMS to the first round and into the semi-finals of the L’Oréal Colour Trophy Award 2019.
This means that we will now go head to head with salons at the Western Regional Semi-Final event on Sunday 7th April at Cheltenham. The Western region covers from below Birmingham all the way down to the bottom of wales and Cornwall, putting us up against some of the most prestigious salons in the UK.
During the first round, hundreds of photographic images from across the country were judged by the most influential names in hairdressing, including British Hairdresser of the Year, Sally Brooks, Charlotte Mensah and Jamie Stevens as well as hairdressing icons Errol Douglas MBE and Charles Worthington MBE. YOKE fought off stiff competition and were successfully chosen to go through to the next round of the competition – the Regional Semi- Finals.
The next stage of the competition will put the team through their paces as they now look to create a truly inspirational, contemporary colour, complemented by trend-driven styling and finish. The team of judges will be looking for work that is exceptionally executed and technically precise.
At each Regional Semi-Final, six successful teams will be announced, two of which are guaranteed to compete at the prestigious L’Oréal Colour Trophy Grand Final in June, as well announcing who is to be taken forward to the Shortlisted Judging Stage. The L’Oréal Colour Trophy Semi-finalists are in for a chance to win the unparalleled Grand Final prize of national media exposure, a European trip to shoot their winning look and an exclusive feature with a top consumer title!
YOKE has 2 teams through for the Colour Trophy Award and 1 team through for the Mens Image Award – please check out our entries below….
Tickets for the Regional Semi- Finals are now available to buy online, £25.00 for individual tickets £20.00 for group tickets: www.lorealcolourtrophy.com/timeline